Product description
The cotton head allows for quick, optimum cleaning of the dog’s ear canal without any chance of damage to the eardrum. They are 12 times more absorbent than a standard cotton bud.
Standard human cotton buds are not suitable for cleaning dog ears and might be harmful if used. Unlike standard cotton swabs, BambooStick takes into account the distinctive features of the dog's ear, allowing you to clean the ears without any danger of touching the eardrum.
The smoothness and softness of the cotton head protects the skin and the mucosa of the ear canal. Thanks to its unique shape, the cotton head surface area is maximised and allows for quick and complete dog ear cleaning.
The stick is easy to handle, it has an appropriate stiffness and most of all it does not become slippery when the ear is cleaned with an oily liquid.
- Hold (or better still, have a helper hold) your dog’s head.
- Pour a dog ear cleaning liquid (a few millilitres) into the auditory canal.
- Massage the base of the auditory canal for about a minute. You should hear the sound of the liquid in the canal.
- Tilt your dog's head to let out any excess solution or let them shake their head.
- Use the Bamboostick dog ear cleaner to absorb the residual liquid, and remove the dirt and secretions stuck to the auricle and the entrance to the auditory canal.